Heat storage: Scientists develop material that is stable, efficient, and eco-friendly

Phys.org  March 29, 2022
Researchers in Germany have developed shape-stabilized phase change material which can absorb large amounts of heat by changing its physical state from solid to liquid. The stored heat is then re-released when the material hardens. They describe the steps involved in creating the structure of the material and how the different chemicals influence each other. Large panels of the material could be integrated into walls. These would then absorb heat during the sunny hours of the day and release it again later when the temperature goes down. Under the right conditions it could store up to 24 times per 10 degrees Celsius more heat than conventional concrete or wallboard. The storage material is enclosed in a framework of solid silicate and cannot escape due to high capillary forces. The knowledge gained can be used to further optimize the material and to potentially produce it on an industrial scale…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

The new material. Credit: Uni Halle / Marian Sorge

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