‘Super jelly’ can survive being run over by a car (with Video)

Phys.org  November 25, 2021
The way materials behave is dependent upon the way molecules are joined by crosslinkers. Researchers in the UK used barrel-shaped molecules called cucurbiturils as crosslinking molecule, like molecular handcuff, which hold two guest molecules that prefer to stay inside the cavity for longer than normal keeping the polymer network tightly linked, allowing for it to withstand compression even at 80% water content. They found that the compressive strength could be easily controlled by simply changing the chemical structure of the guest molecule inside the cavity. To make their glass-like hydrogels, the team chose specific guest molecules for the handcuff. The researchers used the material to make a hydrogel pressure sensor for real-time monitoring of human motions, including standing, walking, and jumping. They are currently working to further develop these glass-like materials towards biomedical and bioelectronic applications. According to the researchers their work has opened a new chapter in high-performance soft materials…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Design of glass-like SPNs. Credit: Nature Materials (2021) 

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