Researchers fabricate complex optical components from fluids

Nanowerk  November 18, 2021
Based on controlling the minimum energy state of the interface between a curable optical liquid and an immersion liquid and dictating a geometrical boundary constraint a team of researchers in Israel has developed a method to shape liquid volumes and solidify them into desired freeform components. They provided an analytical solution for the resulting topography given a predefined boundary and demonstrated the fabrication of freeform components with sub-nanometer surface roughness within minutes. The process allows for rapid prototyping of high-quality components, has the potential to answer an unmet need in the optical design industry and allowing researchers and engineers to rapidly test freeform design concepts… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Schematic illustration of the examined configuration… Credit: Optica Vol. 8, Issue 11, pp. 1501-1506 (2021) 

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