A new dimension in magnetism and superconductivity launched

Science Daily  November 3, 2021
In recent studies the impact of curvilinear geometry enters various disciplines, ranging from solid-state physics over soft-matter physics, chemistry, and biology to mathematics. An international team of researchers (Germany, Austria) summarized the state of the art and prospects for future research in curvilinear solid-state systems exhibiting such fundamental cooperative phenomena as ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and superconductivity. Highlighting the recent developments and current challenges in theory, fabrication, and characterization of curvilinear micro- and nanostructures, with emphasis on perspective research directions entailing new physics and to their strong application potential. They aim to cross the boundaries between the magnetism and superconductivity communities and drawing attention to the conceptual aspects of how extension of structures into the third dimension and curvilinear geometry can modify existing and aid launching novel functionalities…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Schematic illustration of the interplay between the intrinsic and extrinsic DMI and the resulting magnetization distributions in a wire… Credit: Advanced Materials, 27 October 2021 

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