Twisted layers of MoS2 enable the engineering of novel states of matter

Nanowerk  September 24, 2021
An international team of researchers (Germany, USA – Simons Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Spain) has discovered that two twisted layers of MoS2 can be used to control kinetic energy scales in solids. In addition to using the twist angle to control the material’s electronic properties, they demonstrated that the electrons in MoS2 can interfere destructively, stopping their motion for certain paths making it possible to engineer exotic magnetic states. They studied the collective behavior of twisted bilayer MoS2 in the presence of interactions and characterized an array of different magnetic and orbitally-ordered correlated phases, which may be susceptible to quantum fluctuations giving rise to exotic, purely quantum, states of matter…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Atomic and electronic structures of twisted bilayer MoS2. Credit: Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 5644 (2021) 


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