In first, ocean drone captures footage from inside hurricane  October 1, 2021
US scientists on Thursday piloted a camera-equipped ocean drone called “Saildrone” that looks like a robotic surfboard into a Category 4 hurricane barreling across the Atlantic Ocean. Dramatic footage released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed the small craft battling 50-feet high waves and winds of over 120 mph inside Hurricane Sam. Powered by wind and 23 feet in length, it carries a specially designed “hurricane wing,” designed to withstand punishing conditions as it collects data to help scientists learn more about one of Earth’s most destructive forces. Saildrone’s website indicates it can record measurements like wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, temperature, salinity, humidity and more. The researchers expect to improve forecast models that predict rapid intensification of hurricanes…read more.
Video  1  Footage from on board Saildrone 1045 and animation showing location in Hurricane Sam on Sept. 30, 2021. Credit: NOAA 
Video 2  Footage from on board Saildrone 1045 in Hurricane Sam on Sept. 30, 2021. Credit: NOAA

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