Physicists mix classical light with half a photon on a qubit August 31, 2021
An international team of researcher (Russia, UK) theoretically considered wave mixing under the irradiation of a single qubit by two photon fields. The first signal was a classical monochromatic drive, while the second one was a nonclassical light. They addressed two examples of a nonclassical light: (i) a broadband squeezed light and (ii) a periodically excited quantum superposition of Fock states with 0 and 1 photons. The mixing of classical and nonclassical photon fields gives rise to side peaks due to the elastic multiphoton scattering. They showed that a side peaks structure is distinct from the situation when two classical fields are mixed. The most striking feature was that some peaks were absent. The analysis of peak amplitudes can be used to probe photon statistics in the nonclassical mode. Besides revealing the intricacies of light’s quantum behavior, such research ultimately contributes to the body of knowledge that quantum computer engineers draw upon…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

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