BD21 Biosensor Redesign: DHS Seeks Contractors to Improve Urban BioThreat Classification Sensor

Global Biodefense  September 3, 2021
The Biodefense for the 21st Century (BD21) program is working to design, develop, and deploy networked detection systems that continuously monitor the air, collect real-time data, and employ data analytics to detect anomalies. DHS has identified the need for further research and development of commercially available biological detection and presumptive identification technologies to enable timely detection and characterization of airborne bio-threats. The biosensors will be deployed both in indoor and outdoor urban environments to conduct real-time monitoring of biological threats. The redesign is to occur over 15 months and will take place in 2 phases. Minimum requirements for the sensors include: Capability to accurately detect and classify Category A and B biological agents in environmental aerosols with varying levels of background particles, Continuous monitoring, Sending alerts after detection, Characterize and/or identify within a maximum time of 30 minutes; Differentiate between biological and non-biological particles; Identify agent particles to a Kingdom level at minimum; Reduce false alarms to a level of < 3 alarms/day; Detect down to a 1um particle size at concentrations relevant to a 3kg (threshold), 0.5kg (objective). The current response deadline is Sep 16, 2021…read more. Additional details are available at  – Notice ID: 70RWMD21RFI00000011  and 70RWMD21RFI00000012 

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