The quantum refrigerator

Science Daily  July 29, 2021
An international team of researchers (Germany, Austria, Portugal, Singapore) has provided a detailed proposal of how to realize a quantum machine in one-dimensional ultracold atomic gases, which consists of a set of modular operations giving rise to a piston. These can then be coupled sequentially to thermal baths, with the innovation that a quantum field takes up the role of the working fluid. They proposed models for compression on the system to use it as a piston and coupling to a bath that gives rise to a valve controlling heat flow. By composing the numerically modeled operational primitives they designed complete quantum thermodynamic cycles that are shown to enable cooling and hence giving rise to a quantum field refrigerator. The active cooling can operate in regimes where existing cooling methods become ineffective. The team has provided an outlook of how this work serves as a road map to explore open questions in quantum information, quantum thermodynamic, and the study of non-Markovian quantum dynamics…read more.  Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Operating a valve between two identical and independent thermal quasicondensates… Credit: PRX Quantum 2, 030310, 19 July 2021 

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