Combining two approaches to advance quantum computing  July 26, 2021
An international team of researchers (USA – Yale University, the Netherland, Spain, Denmark, Sweden) experimentally demonstrated a new qubit that fuses the electromagnetic modes of superconducting circuits and the spins of small numbers of electrons trapped in semiconductor quantum dots. They were able to show how to harness this spin-dependent supercurrent to achieve both spin detection and coherent spin manipulation. The work represents a significant advancement to our understanding and control of Andreev levels which are microscopic, electronic states that exist in all Josephson junctions. In superconductor-semiconductor heterostructures such as the nanowire junctions investigated in this experiment, Andreev levels are the parent states of Majorana modes .Therefore, this experiment is also important for efforts to perform Majorana-based topological information processing…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Credit: Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science

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