Q&A: Are we on the brink of a new age of scientific discovery?

Phys.org  April 27, 2021
In 2001 at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, a facility used for research in nuclear and high-energy physics, scientists experimenting with a subatomic a muon encountered something unexpected. According to relativistic quantum mechanics, the strength of the muon’s magnetic moment should be two in appropriate dimensionless units. The Standard Model states, however, that it is not two, it is a little bit bigger, and that difference is the magnetic anomaly. Brookhaven experiment challenges the Standard Model with increasing levels of precision, it signifies that there is something else. We know that the Standard Model is incomplete. It is not wrong, insofar as it goes, but there are things outside of it that does not incorporate, and we will find them. The benefit of such experiments is to educate young scientists who will continue in the scientific and academic careers. One outcome of this work will be to help us better understand the universe we live in…read more.

Posted in Science without borders.

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