Not-for-profit publisher makes big move toward open access science

EurekAlert  March 10, 2021
Canadian Science Publishing (CSP)–a not-for-profit publisher of peer-reviewed STEM journals announced a new open access publishing agreement with the University of California (UC) that will offer unlimited open access publication for UC researchers publishing with its journals. CSP is exploring how to shift from subscription-based business models to models that make it easier and more affordable for researchers to publish their work as open access. Under the cost sharing model, the UC libraries will automatically pay the first $1,000 of the article processing charge (APC) for all UC authors who choose to publish in a CSP journal. Authors will pay the remainder if they have research funds available to do so. Authors who do not have research funds available can request full funding of the APC from the libraries, ensuring that lack of research funds does not present a barrier for UC authors who wish to publish open access in CSP journals…read more.

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