Catching electrons in action in an antiferromagnetic nanowire

Science Daily  March 16, 2021
A team of researchers in the US (Michigan Technological University, Iowa State University) used a predictive quantum many-body theory that considers electron-electron interactions. The team found that chromium-doped nanowires with a germanium core and silicon shell can be an antiferromagnetic semiconductor. The origin of antiferromagnetic spin alignments between Cr is attributed to the super exchange interaction mediated by the pz orbitals of the Ge atoms that are bonded to Cr. A weak spin–orbit interaction in this material, suggested a longer spin coherence length. The spin-dependent quantum transport calculations in the Cr-doped nanowire junction revealed a switching feature with a high ON/OFF current ratio. The findings open possibilities for smaller and smarter electronics with higher capacity data storage and manipulation…read more. TECHNICAL  ARTICLE


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