Extremely fast electrochromic supercapacitors

Phys.org  January 7, 2021
Mesoporous metal oxides consisting of fully interconnected network structures with small pores have high surface areas and decreased ion intercalation distances, making them ideal for use in high-performance electrochromic supercapacitors. An international team of researchers (South Korea, Sweden) used an evaporation-induced self-assembly process to deposit a film of tungsten trioxide with pores, where the porous architecture increased the speed of switching and capacitance in the material compared to conventional tungsten trioxide thin films. They developed multifunctional electrochromic supercapacitors based on amorphous mesoporous WO3 films. They attribute its superior performance to its large surface area and amorphous nature. The mesoporous devices functioned rapidly to serve as electrochemical reflective displays and to store electrical charge. This setup can also power other electronic devices. The outcomes have potential for next-generation smart electronics…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE  1  Open Access ,  2  ,  3

Fabrication and characterization of mesoporous WO3 films… Credit: NPG Asia Materials, doi: 10.1038/s41427-020-00257-w

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