New energy conversion layer for biosolar cells  December 21, 2020
Well‐defined assemblies of photosynthetic protein complexes are required for an optimal performance of semi‐artificial energy conversion devices, capable of providing unidirectional electron flow when light‐harvesting proteins are interfaced with electrode surfaces. An international team of researchers (Germany, Portugal) has developed a mixed photosystem I (PSI) monolayers constituted of native cyanobacterial PSI trimers in combination with isolated PSI monomers from the same organism. The resulting compact arrangement ensures a high density of photoactive protein complexes per unit area, providing the basis to effectively minimize short‐circuiting processes that typically limit the performance of PSI‐based bioelectrodes. The PSI film is further interfaced with redox polymers for optimal electron transfer, enabling highly efficient light‐induced photocurrent generation. Coupling of the photocathode with a [NiFeSe]‐hydrogenase confirms the possibility to realize light‐induced H2 evolution…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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