Ultra-fast polymer modulators that can take the heat

Science Daily  November 13, 2020
Researchers in Japan took advantage of the high electro-optic activities, low dielectric constant, low propagation loss and ultra-high glass transition temperature of the developed side-chain electro-optic polymers to fabricate silicon-polymer hybrid modulator. It supports ultra-fast single-lane data rates up to 200 gigabits per second, excellent reliability, and exceptional signal fidelity at extremely high ambient temperatures up to 110 °C even after long-term exposure to high temperatures. It could provide ultra-fast and reliable interconnects for datacenters, 5G/B5G, autonomous driving, and aviation systems, effectively addressing the energy consumption issue for the next-generation optical communication…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Silicon-polymer hybrid (SPH) modulators. Credit: Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 4224 (2020)

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