Analysis paves way for more sensitive quantum sensors

Nanowerk  November 16, 2020
Researchers at the University of Chicago proposed creating a string of photonic cavities, where photons can be transported to adjacent cavities. Such a string could be used as a quantum sensor. By harnessing non-Hermitian dynamics, where dissipation leads to interesting consequences, they were able to calculate that a string of these cavities would increase the sensitivity of the sensor much more than the number of cavities added. In fact, it would increase the sensitivity exponentially in system size. To prove the theory, they are building a network of superconducting circuits that can move photons between cavities. They plan to examine how to construct analogous quantum sensing platforms by coupling spins instead of photonic cavities, with possible implementations based on arrays of quantum bits…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Generic sensor setup and specific realization. Credit: Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 5382 (2020)

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