Single-atom alloy: Superb cocatalyst for photocatalysis  October 28, 2020
While surface charge state of co-catalysts plays a critical role for boosting photocatalysis, the study on surface charge regulation via their precise structure control, remains rare. Researchers in China have fabricated an MOF-stabilized bimetallic Pd-Pt nanoparticles which feature adjustable Pt coordination environment and the controlled structure from core-shell to single-atom alloy (SAA). They found that Pt surface charge regulation can be alternatively achieved by changing its coordination environment and the structure of Pd-Pt co-catalyst, where the charge between Pd and Pt is redistributed. The optimized Pd-Pt composite exhibits an exceptionally high photocatalytic hydrogen production activity, far surpassing its corresponding counterparts. The research provides the design strategy and synthetic protocol for the fabrication of single-atom alloy catalysts and opens a new avenue to SAA-based photocatalysis…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

… the regulation on surface charge state of co-catalysts especially by changing their microstructures and coordination environment almost remains unexplored… Credit: Science China Press

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