Science Academies submit recommendations to the G20 countries

EurekAlert  September 28, 2020
In the run-up to the summit of the G20 countries in November 2020 to be held in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), the academies of science of 20 countries’ joint statement “Foresight: Science for Navigating Critical Transitions” emphasizes the necessity to consider global challenges in all their complexity and cross-linkage and emphasize the contribution of science to the management of upheavals. The statement draws on insights gained from the current coronavirus pandemic and provides valuable impulses from the international scientific community for all participants of the G20 summit. In the field of health, among other things, they recommend an international cooperation framework for monitoring emerging diseases and coping with pandemics, research funding for precision medicine in order to make improvements and provide broader accessibility, and strategies for dealing with demographic change…read more.

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