Keep Focus on Emerging Infections, Disease X: Analysts

Global Biodefense  October 24, 2020
According to the latest G-Finder report, compiled by global health think tank Policy Cures Research despite rapid growth of global spending to tackle emerging infectious diseases, which largely impact the developing world, much of the basic research and development takes place in industrial countries. Funding is very much driven by epidemics. It does not square with a forward-looking approach. According to the researchers will never be prepared for the next pandemic if we only invest in R&D targeting diseases grabbing headlines at the time. US share of overall emerging infectious disease research funding was 85 per cent in 2014 but fell to 68 per cent in 2018. Other countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, and Norway grew their share. But the US plays a dominant role in producing these public goods…read more.

Spikes and falls in research funding for the priority diseases identified by the World Health Organization R&D Blueprint for action to prevent epidemics.

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