Integrated circuit of pure magnons

Nanowerk  October 20, 2020
Magnons have been used to encode information in computing applications, and magnonic device components, including logic gates, transistors, and units for non-Boolean computing. Magnonic directional couplers, which can function as circuit building blocks have been impractical because of their millimetre dimensions and multimode spectra. An international team of researchers (Austria, Ukraine, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands) has developed a magnonic directional coupler based on yttrium iron garnet that has submicrometre dimensions. The coupler consists of single-mode waveguides with a width of 350 nm. They used the amplitude of a spin wave to encode information and to guide it to one of the two outputs of the coupler depending on the signal magnitude, frequency, and the applied magnetic field. They proposed an integrated magnonic half-adder and investigated its functionality for information processing within the magnon domain…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

… Spin wave jumps from one nanowire conduit to another nanowire at the point where the conduits are getting closer one to another. Credit: Niels Paul Bethe, SYNC audiovisual design

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