Scientists discover new class of semiconducting entropy-stabilized materials

Science Daily  July 31, 2020
Almost all entropy-stabilized materials so far are either conducting metals or insulating ceramics. Researchers at the University of Michigan have experimentally synthesized and characterized a new class of the multicationic and -anionic entropy-stabilized chalcogenide alloys based on the (Ge,Sn,Pb)(S,Se,Te) formula. The configurational entropy from the disorder of both the anion and the cation sublattices reaches a record value for the equimolar composition and stabilizes the single-phase solid solution. Theoretical calculations and experiments both show that the synthesized alloys are thermodynamically stable at the growth temperature and kinetically metastable at room temperature. Doping and electronic transport measurements verify that the synthesized materials are ambipolarly dopable semiconductors, which pave the way for the wider adoption of entropy-stabilized chalcogenide alloys in functional applications…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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