An electrical switch for magnetism  August 6, 2020
Electrical control of magnetism in van der Waals ferromagnetic semiconductors is an important step in creating novel spintronic devices capable of processing and storing information. Using an electric double-layer transistor device, an international team of researchers (Singapore, UK, China) discovered that the magnetism of a magnetic semiconductor, Cr2Ge2Te6, shows exceptionally strong response to applied electric fields. With electric fields applied, the material was found to exhibit ferromagnetism at temperatures up to 200 K (-73°C). At such temperatures, ferromagnetic order is normally absent in this material. Their analysis suggests that heavy doping promotes a double-exchange mechanism that is mediated by free carriers, which dominates over the superexchange mechanism of the original insulating state. The finding paves the way for novel spintronic devices…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Top) Schematic of field-effect transistor based on ultra-thin ferromagnetic semiconductor Cr2Ge2Te6. The material is covered with an ion gel to enhance the field effect… Credit: National University of Singapore

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