‘Fool’s gold’ may be valuable after all

Phys.org July 30, 2020
Magnetoionic devices either electrically tune a known ferromagnet or electrically induce ferromagnetism from another magnetic state which is a limitation for practical use. A team of researchers in the US (University of Minnesota, Augsburg University) took the non-magnetic iron sulfide material and put it in a device in contact with an ionic solution. When they applied as little as 1 volt positively charged molecules were moved to the interface between the electrolyte and iron sulfide, and induced magnetism. Importantly, they were able to turn off the voltage and return the material to its non-magnetic state. The research could be the first step in creating valuable new magnetic materials for more energy-efficient computer memory devices…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Measurement schematic and reversible voltage-induced surface insulator-metal transition. Credit: Science Advances 29 Jul 2020: Vol. 6, no. 31, eabb7721

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