Using the ‘shadow effect’ to generate electricity

Techxplore  May 21, 2020
Researchers in Singapore used Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy to experimentally validated that a shadow-effect energy generator (SEG) scavenges the illumination contrast that arises on the device from shadow castings, and generates a direct current, simply by placing a part of the generator in shadow. The SEG is capable of harvesting energy from illumination contrasts arising under weak ambient light. Without any optimization, the generator has a power density of 0.14 μW cm−2 under indoor conditions 0.001 sun, where shadows are persistent. It performs 200% better than that of commercial silicon solar cells under the effects of shadows. In addition, the SEG can serve as a self-powered sensor for monitoring moving objects by tracking the movement of shadows. With its cost-efficiency, simplicity, and stability, the SEG offers a promising architecture to generate green energy from ambient conditions to power electronics, and as a part of a smart sensor systems, especially in buildings…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

The novel shadow-effect energy generator developed by NUS researchers…Credit: Royal Society of Chemistry

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