Supercapacitor promises storage, high power and fast charging

Science Daily  May 5, 2020
The overall electrochemical performance of the semiconductor heterostructures often depends on the carrier mobility from the semiconductor interfaces and faradaic redox reactions from their active sites. An international team of researchers (Pennsylvania State University, China) has developed low-cost, two-step method to controllably grow MnO2 nanorods directly on CoMn2O4 nanosheets with robust adhesion. An induced electric field resulted from the interface effect of heterostructures tailors the kinetic performance of electrons and ions during the charge-discharge process, enhancing the electron mobility and reducing diffusion barrier for charge carriers (OH−) ions migration. As a result, the rational design and controllable heterostructures exhibit significantly improved electrochemical capacitive performance, including remarkable specific capacitance, excellent rate capability, and cycling stability…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE


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