New devices produce and detect twisted light

Physics World  May 19, 2020
Development of a dynamically tunable OAM light source is a critical step in the realization of OAM modulation and multiplexing. An international team of researchers (USA – University of Pennsylvania, Northeastern University, Italy, Spain) harnessed the properties of total momentum conservation, spin-orbit interaction, and optical non-Hermitian symmetry breaking, demonstrated an OAM-tunable vortex microlaser, providing chiral light states of variable topological charges at a single telecommunication wavelength. The scheme can be further scaled up for simultaneous multivortex emissions in a flexible manner. The work provides a route for the development of the next generation of multidimensional OAM-spin-wavelength division multiplexing technology…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Artist’s impression of light with orbital angular momentum. Image courtesy: David Steinvurzel; background courtesy: INMAGINE Limited

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