With nanogenerators, static electricity as strong as lightening can be saved in a battery

Nanowerk  February 6, 2020
Researchers in South Korea have developed a one-step process of thermal nanoimprinting and simultaneous electric poling to increase the total energy obtained by each cycle of triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) with a ferroelectric thermoplastic polymer. They invented an integrated circuit that converted temporary and unstable electric energy generated by a triboelectric nanogenerator into reliable power source. They demonstrated that even when 2.5 µW of energy was input, the conversion efficiency recorded over 70% and that stable power of 1.8V was obtained without external power supply when this circuit was used. This amount of power was enough to operate sensors of thermo and humidity meters, a calculator and more…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Nanoimprinting process. (Image: Dong Sung Kim, POSTECH)

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