China’s Next Five-Year Energy Plan Will Shape the Global Energy Future

Next Big Future  January 23, 2020
The 14th Five-Year Plan will cover 2021-25. The full plan will be released around March 2021, but partial drafts and releases will be published in 2020. China is projected to reduce the proportion of coal in its energy mix to below 58% by 2020. There are proposals to set a target of coal usage at 55% of China’s energy mix by 2030 for the 14th five-year plan covering 2021-2025. Greenhouse gas emissions to peak around 2025-2030. In March the China Electricity Council suggested that coal-power capacity should grow to 1,300 GW by 2030. Hydropower and nuclear have been revived over the last year. Wind and solar expansion have slowed since the government started to cut subsidies last year and they are giving priority to solar and wind projects that do not need financial support. China should surpass twice the US level of electricity usage around 2024-2026…read more.

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