In leap for quantum computing, silicon quantum bits establish a long-distance relationship

EurekAlert  December 25, 2019
Silicon spin qubits have several advantages over superconducting qubits – they retain their quantum state longer than competing qubit technologies and they could be manufactured at low cost. A team of researchers in the US (Princeton University, industry) connected the qubits via a “wire” which is a narrow cavity containing a photon that picks up the message from one qubit and transmits it to the next qubit. The two qubits were located about half a centimeter apart. The team succeeded in tuning both qubits independently of each other while still coupling them to the photon. An enhanced vacuum Rabi splitting is observed when both spins are tuned into resonance with the cavity, indicating a coherent interaction between the two spins and a cavity photon. The results imply that microwave-frequency photons may be used to generate long-range two-qubit gates between spatially separated spins…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Researchers at Princeton University have made an important step forward in the quest to build a quantum computer using silicon components. Credit: Image by Felix Borjans, Princeton University

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