A fifth fundamental force could really exist, but we haven’t found it yet

Phys.org  November 27, 2019
The universe is governed by four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces which are a part of the Standard Model of particle physics. But the Standard Model can’t combine with gravity in the way that we thought. Dark matter and dark energy are also problamatic. An international team of researchers (Hungary, the Netherlands) looks at an anomaly in the decay of helium-4 nuclei, and it builds off an earlier study of beryllium-8 decays. That also seems to violate the Standard Model slightly. The fifth force could exist, but we haven’t found it yet. What we do know is that the Standard Model doesn’t entirely add up, and that means some very interesting discoveries are waiting to be found…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 1 , 2

We don’t understand most of the universe. Credit: Chandra X-ray Observator

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