Achieving quantum supremacy

Science Daily  October 23, 2019
Using 53 entangled qubits an international team of researchers (USA – Google, UMass Amherst, NASA, Caltech, UC Santa Barbara, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UC Riverside, industry, Germany) has solved a problem that would take 10,000 years on a classical supercomputer in 200 seconds on their quantum computer. The algorithm was chosen to emphasize the strengths of the quantum computer by leveraging the natural dynamics of the device. They used a method called cross-entropy benchmarking to compare the quantum circuit’s output (a “bitstring”) to its corresponding ideal probability computed via simulation on a classical computer to ascertain that the quantum computer was working correctly. While the experiment was chosen as a proof-of-concept for the computer, the research has resulted in a certified random number generator…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE  ; RELATED ARTICLE article, Science Alert, October 24, 2019, Here’s What The Controversial ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Claim From Google Really Means

Quantum computing concept illustration (stock image). Credit: © vchalup / Adobe Stock

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