Underwater power generation

Science Daily  May 13, 2019
Inspired by marine organisms that have switchable energy extraction modes (aerobic respiration for long‐term living or anaerobic respiration to propose instantaneously high output power for fast movement),researchers in China have designed an auto‐switchable dual‐mode seawater energy extraction system to provide high energy density and power density both by initiatively choosing different solutes in seawater as electron acceptors. The key to the discovery is a cathode made of Prussian blue, an open framework structure with cyanide ions as “struts” and iron ions as “nodes,” which can easily accept and release electrons. When combined with a metal anode, this structure can be used to generate electricity from seawater. The device had a theoretical energy density of 3960 Wh kg−1, and a high practical power density of 100±4 mW cm−2 with exceptional stability and low cost, making practical applications in seawater to be possible…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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