Move over, silicon switches: There’s a new way to compute

Science Daily  May 8, 2019
A team of researchers in the US (New York University, University of Iowa) has developed a voltage-controlled topological spin switch (VTOPSS) that uses a hybrid topological insulator–magnetic insulator multiferroic material that can implement Boolean logic operations with sub-10-aJ energy per bit. They have developed the theory of its operation, analytic models of its performance metrics, elucidated performance scaling with dimensions and voltage, and benchmarked it against existing spin-based and CMOS devices. Compared with existing spin-based devices the VTOPSS offers 10–70 times lower energy dissipation and 70–1700 times lower energy-delay product. As it will reduce reliance on cloud memory, it also holds the potential for making computing safer, as hackers will have greater difficulty gaining access to a system’s hardware…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

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