It’s Official: Atmospheric CO2 Just Exceeded 415 Ppm For The First Time in Human History

Science Alert  May 13, 2019
Researchers at UCSD’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography sensors in Hawaii recorded Earth’s atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide passing 415 parts per million for the first time since before the ancient dawn of humanity. As recently as 1910, atmospheric CO2 stood at 300 ppm – higher than it had been for some 800,000 years at least. It’s that ongoing fossil fuel use that’s the real problem here. According to the scientists we basically have no idea how bad things could get if we don’t stop adding to the problem at such an accelerated rate. There is still hope, but we can only change this trajectory if we collectively focus on changing the systems driving it, from how we get our energy to how we do economics…read more.

Latest CO2 reading, May 11, 2019. Credit: The Keeling Curve

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