Graphene on the way to superconductivity

Science Daily  November 9, 2018
Previously researchers at MIT showed that it is possible to generate a form of superconductivity in a system of two layers of graphene under very specific conditions using a complex method. Researchers in Germany have developed a simpler technique by heating silicon carbide crystal until silicon atoms evaporate from the surface, leaving first a single-layer of graphene on the surface, and then a second layer of graphene. The two graphene layers are not twisted against each other but lie exactly on top of each other. They argue that their two-dimensional flat band model and the experimental results have the potential to contribute to achieving superconductivity of graphene- or graphite-based systems at elevated temperatures…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

The bandstructure in a double layer of graphene was scanned by ARPES at synchrotron light source BESSY II. Credit: HZB

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