New security scanners safely detect threats from people on the move  October 8, 2018
The EU-funded SPIDERS project, has developed a ‘passive scanning’ solution which is based on a real time (up to 16 images by second), imaging system, working at millimetre wave frequencies and able to see through clothes and detect hidden objects such as liquids, powders or solids (metal or not). Crucially, the system dubbed ‘MM-Imager’, does not emit any radiation. The technology is based on the measurement of the natural radiation emitted by bodies at microwave frequencies (around 0.1THz). The SPIDERS system works in real time which makes the technology applicable to a wide range of potential soft-target scenarios, (such as airports, train stations, stadiums) where increased security is sought without the consequent slowing of human traffic…read more.

Credit: Marius Dobilas, Shutterstock

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