Large family of quantum spin liquids revealed

Physics World  October 18, 2018
Researchers in China synthesized and characterized a large family of rare-earth chalcogenides AReCh 2 (A = alkali or monovalent ions, Re = rare earth, Ch = O, S, Se) which share the same structure (Rbar 3m) as YbMgGaO 4 , and antiferromagnetically coupled rare-earth ions form perfect triangular layers that are well separated along the c-axis. The family, having the simplest structure and chemical formula among the known QSL candidates, removes the issue on possible exchange disorders in YbMgGaO 4 . The rich diversity of the family members allows tunable charge gaps, variable exchange coupling, and other advantages making the family an ideal platform for fundamental research of QSLs and its promising applications… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

The general crystal structure of rare-earth chalcogenides. Credit Chinese Physics Letters

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