‘Papertronics’ could fold, biodegrade and be the basis for the next generation of devices

Nanowerk  September 21, 2018
Researchers at the State University of New York‐Binghamton have developed a bacteria‐powered battery by building microbial fuel cells with inactive, lyophilized exoelectrogenic cells which generates power within minutes of adding saliva. An oxygen‐tight interface and engineered conductive paper reservoir boosts microbial electron transfer efficiency. Exoelectrogenic bacteria preinoculated in the paper battery is freeze‐dried for long‐term storage and can be readily rehydrated for on‐demand power generation. Sixteen microbial fuel cells are incorporated on a single sheet of paper while all are connected in series with two electrical switches mounted on a paper circuit board, produced more than enough electrical energy to power an on‐chip, light‐emitting diode… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE
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A foldable, biodegradable battery based on paper and bacteria opens a new opportunity in electronics. (Image: Seokheun Choi/Binghamton University, CC BY-ND)

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