Electromagnetic radiation protection shields developed

Phys.org  September 7, 2018
Normally, heavy elements are used as the material for electromagnetic and magnetic shielding, as they efficiently absorb high-energy radiation. Bismuth is the best option in the ratio of the protection efficiency to mass-size parameters. An international team of researchers (Russia, Belarus) studied the dependency of the bismuth film microstructure and functional properties on the production process regimes and the initial electrolyte composition and determined that electrolyte mixing, temperature, and organic additives exert a noticeable influence on the electrode process of the discharge of Bi3+ions in acid perchlorate electrolyte. The research answers the question of how to produce a material with identical composition but with different properties by varying different regimes in the process of electrochemical deposition to develop electromagnetic and magnetic shields capable of neutralizing this radiation… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 1 , 2 ,

Various density bismuth surface under microscope. Credit: A. Trukhanov

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