Why AI researchers shouldn’t turn their backs on the military

MIT Technology Review  August 14, 2018
According to the author of a recent book, Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War, AI researchers must be a part of thes conversations, as their technical expertise is vital to shaping policy choices. We need to take into account AI bias, transparency, explainability, safety, and other concerns. AI technology has these twin features today—it’s powerful but also has many vulnerabilities, much like computers and cyber risks. Unfortunately, governments seem to have gotten the first part of that message (AI is powerful) but not the second (it comes with risks). AI researchers can help governments and militaries better understand why they are so concerned about the consequences of weaponizing this technology. To make that case effectively, AI researchers need to be part of a constructive dialogue… read more.

A robotic system developed by the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory. Credit: U S Army

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