Electrospun sodium titanate speeds up the purification of nuclear waste water

Eurekalert  June 27, 2018
Electrospun ion exchange fibres provide highly efficient and sustainable material for separation of trace pollutants, such as radionuclides and heavy metals. Researchers in Finland developed a process for electrospinning sodium titanate fibres and tested its ion exchange kinetics measurements. They found that by exploiting electrospun inorganic sub-micron fibres the ion exchanger mass required for a given capacity can be decreased significantly. With the help of this new method, waste water can be treated faster than before, and the environmentally positive aspect is that the process leaves less solid radio-active waste… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

The jet erupting from the end of the needle elongates into a fiber, and the ethanol and acetic acid used as solvents will evaporate. CREDIT: RIITTA-LEENA INKI

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