A microscopic roundabout for light—team develops a magnet-free optical circulator

Phys.org   May 4, 2018
To break the symmetry of light propagation, instead of magnet, an international team of researchers (The Netherlands, USA – UT Austin, City University of New York, City College of New York) created circulating behavior using a microscale glass ring resonator by letting light in the ring interact with the ring’s mechanical vibrations. Careful control of the optical paths in the structure ensures that light from each input constructively interferes in exactly the right output. They demonstrated that circulation can be actively tuned and it can be turned on and off by controlling the frequency and power of the laser. Although the research is fundamental in nature, it has possible applications in communications network and quantum computers… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Artist impression of the light circulator. Credit: Henk-Jan Boluijt (AMOLF)

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