Invisible magnetic sensors measure magnetic fields without disturbing them   April 25, 2018
Researchers in Spain present a general strategy on how to make a sensor magnetically invisible while keeping its ability to sense. The sensor is rendered undetectable by surrounding it with a spherical shell having a tailored magnetic permeability. The method can be applied to arbitrary shape magnetic sensors in arbitrary magnetic fields. The invisibility can be made exact when the sensor is spherical, and the probed field is uniform. They are exploring cloaking properties for AC fields or incorporating the intriguing concept of negative static permeability for creating novel shapes of magnetic fields… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Simulation of a spherical shell that cancels the distortions caused by a ferromagnetic sphere, making the sphere invisible from the outside. Credit: Mach-Batlle et al. ©2018 American Institute of Physics

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