How fungi grow: A movie from inside the cell

Science Daily  March 15, 2018
Fungi are used to produce food or medicine and in bioengineering. Using high-performance light microscopy, an international team of researchers (Germany, Greece, Belgium, USA – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Japan) watched mold fungi as they grew in the cell. Mold fungi are hyphal fungi consisting of filamentous cells, hyphae, which may form large networks, mycelia. The hyphae of about 3 µm in thickness exclusively grow by directed extension of their tips. An important objective of biological fundamental research is to understand this growth on the molecular level, as hyphal growth plays an important role in both health-damaging effects and beneficial applications of fungi… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Growth of fungi (left) on the molecular level (right) is in the focus of research conducted by KIT scientists. Credit: L. Zhou, KIT

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