Topological insulator ‘flips’ for superconductivity

Science Daily  April 30, 2018 Using a novel “flip-chip” technique an international team of researchers (USA – University of Illinois, Japan) prepared single-crystalline Bi2Se3 films with predetermined thicknesses in terms of quintuple layers (QLs) on top of Nb substrates fresh from in situ cleavage. Measurements of the film surface disclosed superconducting gaps and coherence peaks of similar magnitude for both the topological surface states and bulk states and revealed key characteristics relevant to the mechanism of coupling between the topological surface states and the superconducting Nb substrate. This new sample preparation method opens many new avenues in research, building a […]

Bringing a hidden superconducting state to light

Science Daily  February 16, 2018 An international team of researchers (Germany, USA – Brookhaven National Laboratory, UK) has detected a hidden state of electronic order in a layered material containing lanthanum, barium, copper, and oxygen (LBCO). When cooled to a certain temperature and with certain concentrations of barium, LBCO is known to conduct electricity without resistance, but now there is evidence that a superconducting state occurs above this temperature too. The discovery could help design better high-temperature superconductors… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE