Russian Army Has New Body Armor and Promise Combat Exoskeletons

Next Big Future  March 11, 2019 Russia is promising to develop Ratnik-3 which would be advanced combat exoskeletons, UAVs and combat robots. They are displaying mockups of advanced guns, new helmets and more complete body armor. The main problem for real exoskeletons that boost the weight that a soldier can carry or provide real force multipliers is the batteries and power systems for the gear. US has also been developing combat exoskeletons. Russia and the USA have had small field tests of some exoskeleton systems. US military research has admitted that it will still be 5-10 years or more before […]

Physicists train the oscillatory neural network to recognize images  March 22, 2019 An oscillatory neural network is a complex interlacing of interacting elements that can receive and transmit oscillations of a certain frequency. Based on coupled oscillator networks implemented on vanadium dioxide structures, researchers in Russia have developed a synchronization registration method with high sensitivity and selectivity. They trained the network to synchronize only for a specific input image. In the study, the input images were transmitted to the network by changing the supply currents which changed the oscillation frequencies of oscillators. As a result, the network reacted to each received image with specific dynamics. According to the […]

Russia Is Preparing to Disconnect The Entire Country From The Internet

Science Alert  February 14, 2019 Russia is making plans to cut off its internet from the rest of the world, with a giant ‘unplugging’ experiment that will affect over 100 million Russian internet users, to see if an isolated Russian internet can function ‘offline’ in the event of a cyberattack that forcibly disconnects it from foreign servers. Under the draft legislation, Russian internet providers must execute technical measures in their networks to counter potential threats from foreign aggressors – in effect, insulating the Russian internet from the rest of the web, and ensuring all traffic is carried on the country’s […]

Physicists design new antenna for next-generation super-sensitive magnetometers  November 6, 2018 Ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond hold promise for ultra-precise magnetometery, competing with superconducting quantum interference device detectors. By utilizing the advantages of dielectric materials, such as very low losses for electromagnetic field, with the potential for creating high-quality factor resonators with strong concentration of the field within it, researchers in Russia implemented a dielectric resonator antenna for coherent manipulation of a large ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. Research enables use of large volume low nitrogen-vacancy concentration diamond plates in modern nitrogen-vacancy magnetometers thus improving sensitivity via larger coherence time and higher optical detected […]

Russian scientists have increased the Internet speed up to one and a half times

Eurekalert  August 31, 2018 Researchers at the University of Missouri have developed an algorithm based on a special routing method which provides quick access to the most powerful large data processing centers in the world. The quality and speed of data transmission is achieved due to the superior constrained shortest path finder algorithm made by the scientists. Thus, the data transmission speed can be increased up to 50%. This is relevant for solving problems that require high-precision calculations both in the field of fundamental science and for the implementation of applied projects. According to the scientists, to use this algorithm, […]

Mystery Russian satellite’s behaviour raises alarm in US

BBC  August 15, 2018 The satellite in question was launched in October last year. It was impossible to say if the object may be a weapon. According to the US the satellite’s behaviour on-orbit was inconsistent with anything seen before from on-orbit inspection or space situational awareness capabilities, including other Russian inspection satellite activities. US had serious concerns that Russia was developing anti-satellite weapons… read more.

Scientists teach the neural network to carry out video facial recognition — using a single photo

Eurekalert  July 5, 2018 Researchers in Russia used the theory of fuzzy sets and probability theory to develop a video recognition algorithm. The algorithm significantly improves the accuracy (by 2-6% compared to earlier experiments) of identifying faces by video in real time with a small number of images for several well-known neural network architectures, such as VGGFace, VGGFace2, ResFace and LightCNN. It estimates to what degree one frame is closer to one person, and to what degree the other frame is closer to the next person. Then it compares how similar the training still photos of these two people are […]

Russian scientists created ‘flying’ gas chromatograph

Eurekalert  June 18, 2018 The portable gas microchromatograph developed by researchers in Russia weighs a little more than a kilogram and it completely replaces bulky laboratory devices. It can provide accurate data on the composition of the atmosphere, qualitative and quantitative composition of oil and gas, as well as analyse biomarkers in exhaled human air within a few minutes. It can perform an operational analysis of the state of the atmosphere at altitudes of up to 1000 meters and within a radius of 2 km from the source, record and track the level of concentration of substances in the air […]

Prototype nuclear battery packs 10 times more power  June 01, 2018 Researchers in Russia developed a nuclear battery prototype consisting of 200 diamond converters interlaid with nickel-63 and stable nickel foil layers. The amount of power generated by the converter depends on the thickness of the nickel foil and the converter itself, because both affect how many beta particles are absorbed. For maximum power density they found that the nickel-63 source should be 2 micrometers thick, and the optimal thickness of the converter based on Schottky barrier diamond diodes is around 10 micrometers… read more. The findings have prospects for medical and space industry applications. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Effective methods for automated design of complex technical objects and systems

Eurekalert  May 18, 2018 To overcome the computational complexity of multicriteria problems researchers in Russia proposed a two-fold approach. First, effective global search algorithms will be used for solving optimization problems. Second, when performing calculations, all the search information received during the calculation will be used to the greatest possible extent. Computational experiments performed by the team shows that the proposed approach makes it possible to reduce more than a hundredfold the amount of required computations when searching for the next effective solution… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE