A single photon emitter deterministically coupled to a topological corner state

Phys.org  April 2, 2024 Researchers in China presented a single photon emitter that utilizes a single semiconductor quantum dot, deterministically coupled to a second-order topological corner state in a photonic crystal cavity. By investigating the Purcell enhancement of both single photon count and emission rate within this topological cavity, they got an experimental Purcell factor of Fp = 3.7. They demonstrated the on-demand emission of polarized single photons, with a second-order autocorrelation function g(2)(0) as low as 0.024 ± 0.103. According to the researchers their work may be used for customizing light-matter interactions in topologically nontrivial environments… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

A polariton filter turns ordinary laser light into quantum light

Phys.org  February 19, 2016 An international team of researchers (Australia, France) used nanometre-thick films made of gallium arsenide and sandwiched them between two mirrors to manipulate the incoming photons. The photons interact with electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor, forming polaritons that carry properties from both the photons and the electron-hole pairs. The polaritons decay after a few picoseconds, and the photons they release exhibit distinct quantum signatures. While these quantum signatures are weak at the moment, the work opens a new avenue for producing single photons on demand. Once they are able to increase the strength of the quantum signatures, […]