Preparing for a quantum leap: Researchers chart future for use of quantum computing in particle physics  July 17, 2023 The rapid development of hardware devices with various realizations of qubits enables the execution of small scale but representative applications on quantum computers. The high-energy physics community plays a pivotal role in accessing the power of quantum computing, since the field is a driving source for challenging computational problems. This concerns, on the theoretical side, the exploration of models which are very hard or even impossible to address with classical techniques and, on the experimental side, the enormous data challenge of newly emerging experiments, such as the upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider. In this roadmap […]

Sustainable batteries roadmap to 2030 and beyond

Nanowerk  February 9, 2022 A team of EU researchers has developed a roadmap that presents the research ideas proposed by BATTERY 2030+,  the European large-scale research initiative for future battery chemistries. A “chemistry-neutral” roadmap to advance battery research is outlined with a time horizon of more than ten years. The roadmap is centered around six themes: 1) accelerated materials discovery platform, 2) battery interface genome, with the integration of smart functionalities such as 3) sensing and 4) self-healing processes. Beyond chemistry related aspects also include crosscutting research regarding 5) manufacturability and 6) recyclability. The roadmap should be seen as an […]

Researchers work to create a roadmap on quantum materials  September 25, 2020 Recently the definition of quantum materials has broadened to cover all the materials that allow scientists and engineers to explore emergent quantum phenomena and their potential applications. In this roadmap an international team of researchers (USA – UT Austin, University of Minnesota, Cornell University, France, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Chile, India, Brazil, Austria) aims to capture a snapshot of the most recent developments in the field, and to identify outstanding challenges and emerging opportunities. The experts in each discipline share their viewpoint and articulate their vision for quantum materials, reflecting the […]

Roadmap for battery research in Europe

EurekAlert  May 13, 2020 To develop tomorrow’s batteries, partners from science and industry all over Europe have launched the research initiative BATTERY 2030+. The roadmap defines the milestones in more detail: A joint platform for the development of materials with the help of AI, networked sensors and self-healing technology for batteries, and sustainable production and recycling processes. It defines the properties of future batteries and lists measures to accelerate development. Three main research lines are identified: accelerate search for new materials and the right material mix, develop novel functions, and establish production and recycling concepts…read more.

IBM Quantum Computer Roadmap

Next Big Future  March 5, 2019 IBM has published a roadmap for improving quantum computers based on a “quantum volume” which is an architecture-neutral metric. It measures the useful amount of quantum computing done by a device in space and time. The results on the IBM Q System One indicate its performance is just over the threshold for 16. IBM roadmap is to double quantum volume every year. IBM wants to improve error rates 100 times from 1% to 0.01%. They plan to do this by increasing coherence times from 0.5 milliseconds to 1-5 milliseconds. The hope is to achieve quantum […]

QuTech researchers put forward a roadmap for quantum internet development

Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands)  October 18, 2018 Researchers in the Netherlands describe six phases, starting with simple networks of qubits that could already enable secure quantum communications – a phase that could be reality in the near future. The development ends with networks of fully quantum-connected quantum computers. In each phase, new applications become available such as extremely accurate clock synchronization or integrating different telescopes on Earth in one virtual ‘supertelescope’. This work creates a common language that unites the highly interdisciplinary field of quantum networking towards achieving the dream of a world-wide quantum internet… read more. TECHNICAL […]