Ultrafast quantum simulation of large-scale quantum entanglement

Phys.org   September 29, 2023 An international team of researchers (Japan, Germany) has reported the observation and control of ultrafast many-body dynamics of electrons in ultracold Rydberg-excited atoms, spatially ordered in a three-dimensional Mott insulator (MI) with unity filling in an optical lattice. By mapping out the time-domain Ramsey interferometry in the picosecond timescale, they could deduce entanglement growth indicating the emergence of many-body correlations via dipolar forces. They analyzed the observations with different theoretical approaches and found that the semiclassical model broke down, indicating that quantum fluctuations play a decisive role in the observed dynamics. Combining picosecond Rydberg excitation with […]

A roadmap for the future of quantum simulation

Phys.org  July 29, 2022 Many of the most promising short-term applications of quantum computers fall under the umbrella of quantum simulation: modelling the quantum properties of microscopic particles that are directly relevant to modern materials science, high-energy physics, and quantum chemistry. This would impact several important real-world applications, such as developing materials for batteries, industrial catalysis or nitrogen fixing. Quantum simulation can be performed not only on future fault-tolerant digital quantum computers but also through special-purpose analogue quantum simulators. An international team of researchers (UK, Germany, Austria, USA – industry) has provided an overview of the state of the art […]

Quantum sensing: Odd angles make for strong spin-spin coupling

Science Daily  May 25, 2021 Exotic quantum vacuum phenomena are predicted in cavity quantum electrodynamics systems with ultra-strong light-matter interactions. However, such predictions have not been realized because antiresonant interactions are typically negligible compared to resonant interactions in light-matter systems. An international team of researchers (USA – Rice University, Japan, Germany, China) reports an unusual, ultra-strongly coupled matter-matter system of magnons that is analytically described by a unique Hamiltonian in which the relative importance of resonant and antiresonant interactions can be easily tuned and the latter can be made vastly dominant. They found a regime where vacuum Bloch-Siegert shifts, the […]